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Amazing Rescue of Giant Manta Ray
by KindMeal.my, 01 July 2015
Amazing Rescue of Giant Manta Ray

As animal lovers, we are always willing to go out of our way to help a fellow creature in need. In some cases, this might mean helping a lost cat find her way home or calling a wildlife rehabber to attend to an injured bird. For the kind divers in this video, it means stopping to free a gigantic manta ray from a loose fishing net.

Diving instructor Paul Slater was out for a dip with Don Shellhammer in the Coco Islands, located in Costa Rica, when they spotted a ray in need. Although fishing is not permitted in the area, there is a constant threat from poachers and illegal fishermen who wish to take advantage of the area’s marine biodiversity. And sadly, this means that “ghost nets,” or nets that are left behind in the water, pose a serious threat to local marine animals.

This manta was lucky that these two kind divers were nearby and happily stepped in to set him free – and based on the happy flip he gives the camera, he is certainly thankful for their help!

Isn't this manta ray a glorious creature? Unfortunately, rays aren't the only sea creatures who get snared in fishing gear -- dolphins and porpoises, sea turtles and seals are also unwitting victims. What's more, commercial over-fishing is killing our oceans. It's great to see videos like this to remind us of the wonders living beneath the sea's surface. Compassion doesn't apply only to land animals – seafood also takes a high toll on the planet.

Want to make this manta ray even more grateful? Move toward a plant-based diet! No animals were killed – either on land or sea – to make any http://KindMeal.my offering.

Source: http://goo.gl/DsL5Zs « Back To Articles