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by KindMeal.my
Coconut House at Jaya One serves authentic Italian meals, featuring pizza and bakery baked with wood fire oven. Don't miss out on their fragrant Durian Pizza too, prepared with quality D24 durians! Get up to 20% off:
View Article 23 July 2018
by KindMeal.my
The hairy frogfish is camouflaged with spines resembling strands of hair — and it can change color.
View Video 22 July 2018
by KindMeal.my
Indulge in Western and Asian meat-free cuisines at The Black Cat Café, Jalan Ipoh! Enjoy a weekday assortment of Thai, Indonesian, Italian and local delights, or be surprised by special menus on weekends. Get up to 25% off:
View Article 21 July 2018
by KindMeal.my
Humans are just 0.01% of all life on Earth, yet we have destroyed 83% of wild mammals.
View Video 21 July 2018
by KindMeal.my
Vege Life Restaurant PJ delights you with tasty oriental dishes within a cozy environment. Indulge in a satisfying steamboat too with a wide variety of fresh ingredients, featuring Tomyam, herbal and clear soups. Dine now at 15% off:
View Article 20 July 2018
by Compassion Over Killing
Can you spot the difference? We can't. All animals deserve to be loved no matter what species they are. <3 via Little Buckets Farm Sanctuary
View Video 22 July 2018
by Compassion Over Killing
“Time and again our undercover investigations behind these closed doors of the meat, milk, and dairy industries are revealing systemic animal suffering. And our mission is squarely focused on alleviating these negative consequences both to people and animals. ‘Clean meat’ could provide that alternat..
View Video 21 July 2018
by Compassion Over Killing
Compassion Over Killing proudly presents this special sneak peek at DC VegFest 2018! YOU can help us bring 20K smiles to this FREE festival: bit.ly/2JEa7p9
View Video 21 July 2018
by Vegan.com
The head of the FDA thinks consumers are so stupid that they'll be confused by the terms "soy milk" and "almond milk."
View Article 21 July 2018
by Compassion Over Killing
The FDA wants to start defining "milk" as coming from the “milking of one or more healthy cows.” 🤔
View Article 21 July 2018
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