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At only 6 months old, pigs are crammed into 18-wheelers and are deprived of food and ..
by Animal Equality, 30 October 2018
At only 6 months old, pigs are crammed into 18-wheelers and are deprived of food and water for the entire trip to the slaughterhouse, which can last hundreds of miles. During the summer, pigs can die from heat exhaustion, and in the winter, some freeze to death or freeze to the sides of the trucks forcing workers to cut or pull them loose ripping their skin. Many suffer injuries and suffocate when additional animals are forced to pile in on top of them. All are in a panic - screaming and desperately trying to get away - and some even die of heart attacks.

According to a 2006 industry report, more than 1 million pigs die each year from this trip alone.

Source: Animal Equality « Back To Articles