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The Usda''s Deregulation Program For Pig Slaughter Allows Nine U.s. Slaughterhous..
by Compassion Over Killing, 19 October 2021
The USDA's deregulation program for pig slaughter allows nine U.S. slaughterhouses to shift inspection responsibilities from USDA inspectors to plant employees. It also initially allowed nine plants to operate at accelerated line speeds, but this provision was struck down by a District Court as part of a lawsuit brought by worker's union groups. Animal Outlook, along with our coalition partners, challenged both of these provisions in a lawsuit. Quality Pork Processors, a slaughterhouse we investigated in 2015, operated under both provisions. Check out our investigation to see firsthand the torment farmed pigs endure. https://animaloutlook.org/investigations/hormel/

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