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Its Been 11 Years Since Animal Equalitys President Co-founder, Sharon Nez Gough,..
by Animal Equality, 06 July 2022
It’s been 11 years since Animal Equality’s President & Co-founder, Sharon Núñez Gough, was arrested for filming the truth inside factory farms. As set by her example, Animal Equality continues to do whatever it takes for farmed animals through the power of investigations! 🐷💙

Animal Equality will not allow the powerful animal agriculture industry to silence our work or the cries of the farmed animals they abuse. You can support our work and the brave investigators that make it possible by donating. Right now, all donations are being matched by a generous donor – doubling your impact on animals at no extra cost to you – but only through July 7.

👉 Donate: animalequality.org/donate
✨ Read more of Sharon's story: https://bit.ly/3RcrSzO

Source: Animal Equality « Back To Articles