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Activists Found Not Guilty After Rescuing Pigs From Utah Farm
by Animal Equality, 01 November 2022
The rescue of two pigs leads to the trial of two activists against the largest producer of meat from pigs in the U.S. The verdict would set a precedent for animal rights activists everywhere. The question was...would this protect activists or silence them❓

Wayne Hsiung and Paul Darwin Picklesimer of Direct Action Everywhere were up against the odds when the judge would not allow footage of the rescue to play in court. The pair faced a sentence of five and a half years each.

Despite the industry's attempts to silence the activist, Hsiung and Pickesimer were found not guilty of burglary and theft of the two pigs from Smithfield Farms.

✨🐷 Read more about the rescue of Lizzy & Lily and this historic trial for activists everywhere:

Source: Animal Equality
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