Pumpkin the Raccoon's prospects were dim after falling out of her nest, breaking a le..
Pumpkin the Raccoon's prospects were dim after falling out of her nest, breaking a leg and being abandoned by her mother. Things changed fast, however, when a caring family with two rescued dogs took Pumpkin in and made her a welcome part of their interspecies family.
Rosie Kemp, owner of the Bahamas property Pumpkin fell into a year ago, decided she would become the tiny critter's surrogate mother. Assisted by her family and their pair of rescue dogs, Pumpkin thrived and gradually weaseled (pardon the mixed metaphor) her way into all of their hearts.
It's only natural for Pumpkin, who hasn't interacted with any other raccoons since falling from her nest one bright morning. Her human minders have had to make adjustments as well. “Raccoons are NOT pets, they are wild animals, so they are quite moody,” explains Laura Young, Rosie's daughter. “Unlike dogs and cats, they are not domesticated. Like a spoiled child, if she doesn’t get her way she will let you know.”
At this point we should remind readers that it's legal to own raccoons in the Bahamas – North Americans need not apply and with very good reason: raccoons on the continental mainland often carry rabies, while the disease is relatively unknown among wildlife in the Bahamas.
As for Pumpkin, she's learned a lot from her canine “cousins” and seems to think she's one, too. The three furry friends enjoy relaxing by the pool, dining on watermelon and sunny-side-up eggs (Pumpkin's fave foods, according to Young) and snuggling on the sofa while watching TV. “She now thinks she is a dog,” says Young. “She's able to play and be rough with them, but she respects them when they've had enough.”
If you feel like showing some compassion toward animals and don't happen to have an orphaned, injured baby raccoon at hand, how about simply eating meat-free today? That is every bit as effective at saving lives and is good for you and the planet in the bargain! KindMeal.my has oodles of options, all plant-based and scrumptious. Check it out at http://KindMeal.my!
Source: http://goo.gl/jXSThA
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