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Animal Equality Firmly Believes In The Value Of Undercover Investigations To Exp..
by Animal Equality, 13 May 2023
💥 Animal Equality firmly believes in the value of undercover investigations to expose the cruelty in factory farming. Our global team of investigators provide critical evidence that can be used to support legal and policy reforms, revealing the suffering that takes place behind closed doors in animal agriculture.

📸 🎥 "A strategic framework that I have always believed in is that when you control the information you control the narrative. Generating irrefutable evidence from our exposes allows us to become a resource for journalists and legislators and a partner of law enforcement seeking prosecution for crimes against animals. In 2023 we will be at the helm of this narrative driving change."
- Sean Thomas, International Director of Investigations for Animal Equality

âž¡ Read Sean's full message here: https://animalequality.org/blog/2023/05/12/2023-animal-equality-investigations-leading-the-way-for-change-across-the-globe/

🌱 By choosing plant-based alternatives instead of meat, dairy, eggs, or other animal products, we can help reduce the demand for this cruel practice and support a more compassionate and sustainable food system. Visit LoveVeg.com!

Source: Animal Equality « Back To Articles