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Exciting News. We Will Be Attending The Animal Vegan Advocacy Summit Ava In Los ..
by Animal Equality, 25 July 2023
📢 Exciting News!

We will be attending The Animal & Vegan Advocacy Summit (AVA) in Los Angeles, CA, from July 27th to July 30th!

President and Co-founder of Animal Equality, Sharon Núñez, will deliver the keynote speech at the Opening Ceremony!

You'll also hear from our remarkable leaders, Abigail Penny, Executive Director of Animal Equality UK, and Dulce Ramírez, Vice President of Latin America and Executive Director for Animal Equality Mexico.

🎥🐮🐷 Our team will host a booth, offering an unforgettable experience with iAnimal - a unique immersive journey into the lives of farmed animals! Swing by and let's talk about how you can use this powerful tool for your own outreach efforts.

🎟️ Buy your ticket today: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/animal-vegan-advocacy-ava-summit-2023-tickets-526085123767

Source: Animal Equality « Back To Articles