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A Few Weeks Ago, Animal Equality Launched A Global Campaign Targeting The Organi..
by Animal Equality, 24 July 2024
πŸ“£ A few weeks ago, Animal Equality launched a global campaign targeting the organizers of the Paris 2024 Olympics. Yesterday, we delivered YOUR signature directly to the Olympic Committee in Paris!

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ³ The VIP hospitality menu includes foie gras, a dish created through the cruel practice of force-feeding, a method banned in many countries.

πŸ“ In a very short time, over 60,000 people signed the petition to demand the removal of foie gras from the menu. Have you added your voice yet?

Take action today: https://ae.onl/olympics-foie-gras-petition-us-organicfb!

βŒπŸ¦† There is no place for foie gras at an event like the Olympics.

If you agree, tag a friend in your comment to help spread the word!

#foiegrasOUT #2024Olympics #Paris2024

Source: Animal Equality « Back To Articles