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Kangaroo Nap Time
by KindMeal.my, 29 December 2015
Most of us try to find at least a bed and a blanket before hitting the sack, but if you're a tiny kangaroo, a decent pillowcase is all you really need.

Indi, an orphaned joey at the Kangaroo Sanctuary in Australia's Northern Territory, recently showed off her own peculiar lights out routine with the help of wildlife rescuer Chris Barnes.

According to Barnes, a cozy pillowcase is the next best thing to a kangaroo's pouch and an essential tool for helping little joeys fall asleep. "The babies need to be kept warm so they go everywhere I go," he said.

Indi is just one of several rescued 'roos at Barnes' sanctuary, which the former tour guide opened in 2009 after he'd found "one too many joeys" left orphaned after their mothers were hit by cars.

"My favourite stage is when they're just starting to emerge from the 'pouch' we put them in," Barnes told The Telegraph. "Suddenly they find themselves on the ground with these lanky long legs and enormous feet, and they start to hop but can't stop so they always crash into things."

Source: http://thedo.do/1Vmcyx2 « Back To Articles