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Talented actor Peter Egan from Downton Abbey was one of the first to try our virtual ..
by Animal Equality, 13 February 2016
Talented actor Peter Egan from Downton Abbey was one of the first to try our virtual reality project. This is what he had to say:

"I know all of us involved in animal welfare, have seen our fair share of horror. Yesterday I was invited by Toni Shephard to view and narrate Animal Equality's new project #VirtualReality experience. It is unique, new and unforgettable. It will be launched in March. I urge you all to follow and support it. It takes commitment to watch it, commitment to share it and it will make a difference. To watch a poor sow, locked in a cage, unable to move or turn around, in a facility housing many others..a breeding facility. Lying in her own waste, unable to enjoy contact with her piglets other than by suckling them is both harrowing and heartbreaking. The experience places you in the facility, it is unforgettable. I'll keep you more informed. Please follow Animal Equality and Toni Shephard to learn more. Thanks Peter."

Thank you Peter.

Read more impressions from people here: http://www.animalequality.net/node/853

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