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Why Whales and Dolphins Deserve to be Wild and Free
by KindMeal.my, 02 March 2016
Why Whales and Dolphins Deserve to be Wild and Free

Whales and dolphins are some of the most dynamic creatures on the planet. Not only are their brains more developed than our own, but they are also amazingly emotional beings. These marine mammals are known to live in close-knit pods. They love and care for one another – just look at the example of this orca pod that goes out of its way to feed and support a disabled family member.

There is so much to admire about cetaceans, but sadly, we have chosen to admire them by pulling them from the wild and forcing them into concrete tanks. Knowing all we do about these complex creatures, keeping them in enclosures the size of a fish bowl, devoid of stimulation or even companionship is incredibly cruel.

It is far past time that we #EmptyTheTanks and put an end to marine animal captivity. You can help keep whales and dolphins wild and free by never attending marine parks – and sharing this video to raise awareness!

There are so many ways to show that we deeply love and care for animals. Avoiding entertainments that use them is one way, for sure. Another way is to eat fewer of them, and that includes fish. Our industrial fishing nets often entrap cetaceans, and by overfishing the oceans, we are eliminating the food source of the whales and dolphins. We don't need to eat fish to survive -- they do.

There are some excellent "mock fish" options on the market, and you'll surely find some in the offerings of some of our http://KindMeal.my partners.

Source: http://goo.gl/WNpn5f « Back To Articles