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Act of Love: Courtship Rituals
by KindMeal.my, 17 May 2016
Act of Love: Courtship Rituals

Animal courtship rituals are amazing to watch. From the elegant caresses of cranes to the intimate nuzzles of lovebirds, animals seem to know how to make a love connection without ever saying a word.

Maybe that's why Japanese condom company Sagami Original created an ad that pays homage to the courtship rituals of animals. In the spot, talented human dancers replicate the elaborate mating rituals of animals — from fiddler crabs to foxes to flamingos.

Dressed in the respective colour patterns of their muses, the couples leap, snuggle, and frolic — much to the delight of unsuspecting bystanders.

According to the company's website, "Perhaps humans talk too much. We use too many words and misunderstand each other. We think too much and end up feeling afraid. But animals don't worry over their decisions. They act out of need and express themselves instinctively. This is pure strength, and primal love. Whether human or animal, loving means taking action."

Take a look. And see if you can guess which animals are portrayed by which humans. But don't worry if you can't — they'll fill you in at the end.

Did you catch that? "...loving means taking action," and one of the greatest actions you can take to show your love for animals is to stop eating them! Why don't you and your beloved check out http://KindMeal.my for your next intimate, delicious and meat-free meal?

Source: http://goo.gl/pbzWJk « Back To Articles