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A Vegan Diet for Dogs?
by KindMeal.my, 17 June 2016
A Vegan Diet for Dogs?

Is it really possible for dogs to thrive on a meat-free diet? According to PetMD.com, they can.

That’s because dogs aren’t, contrary to popular belief, carnivores. They are natural omnivores, meaning they can eat meat AND vegetables, but that doesn’t mean they need meat. Why, as long as their nutritional needs are met in a carefully balanced diet, dogs can be vegan.

Of course, veganism isn’t right for every dog, precisely the way it may not be right for all humans. If you don’t want to remove eggs and meat from your dog’s diet, you don’t have to do so, although dogs can happily and healthily live as vegetarians.

We do recommend that you do sufficient research and talk to your vet before switching your dog's diet to ensure that he is not missing out on essential nutrients.

While you contemplate your dog's diet, do enjoy a delicious meat-free meal at http://KindMeal.my.

Source: http://bit.ly/22tFLcW, http://bit.ly/1PaMu9A « Back To Articles