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Wild Capybara Befriends Kitty
by KindMeal.my, 22 July 2016
Cats eat rodents, right? Not this time.

Here's a wild capybara who found exactly that, and in a very friendly cat, no less. The odd pair was spotted recently near a university campus in Mato Grosso, Brazil, where a family of the large South American rodents calls home.

While a group of students looked on, stunned, the basis of that unlikely friendship was revealed before their eyes: Apparently the cat's a pro at giving belly rubs.

Fortunately, lest such an arrangement sound too strange to be true, student Amanda Sossai captured the scene on video, telling Folha Max: "I had never seen this interaction between cats and capybaras."

Maybe you think the only relation between humans and cows, sheep, chickens and other farmed animals is that of diner to dinner, but why not re-think that? You can switch to a more plant-based diet, and switch to friendly relations with the animals you formerly ate. Better for you, better for them!

For loads of delicious meat-free meal suggestions (and promotions!), check out http://KindMeal.my.

Source: https://goo.gl/oThJor « Back To Articles