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Stepan the Adopted Bear
by KindMeal.my, 31 July 2016
Would you adopt a bear?

The idea of sitting down for dinner with a 300lb bear is enough to put most people off their food. But for one family from Russia this wild idea is actually a way of life that extends far beyond sharing the odd meal at the dinner table.

On the surface Svetlana and Yuriy Panteleenko appear like any other ordinary couple, but for their 23-year-old bear named Stepan. Standing at more than seven foot, the large mammal is so domesticated the family often sit down together in the evenings to watch television.

And the bear has even been known to help out around the house - or at least in the garden - by watering the plants. While Stepan gets through more than a bowl of porridge a day his favourite dish is a can of condensed milk thanks to a sweet tooth.

The couple say that because they have known the bear so long his temperament is extremely gentle and he can often be found cuddling up to them on the sofa. Svetlana said: 'Stepan likes nothing more than to cuddle up with us on the sofa at night while we're watching television. 'When we adopted him, he was only three-months-old and had been found by hunters in the forest having lost his mother.

He was in a very bad condition. 'He absolutely loves people and is a really sociable bear - despite what people might think, he is not aggressive at all. We have never been bitten by Stepan. 'He's got so many talents and loves a picnic. It's a wonder he doesn't eat us out of house and home.'

Animals never ceases to amaze us with their kindness and love. Lets show them the same level of kindness by dining on meat-free meals. http://KindMeal.my offers a range of meat-free meals that comes with amazing deals.

Source: http://bit.ly/29Oqn9F « Back To Articles