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Jane Goodall: A Birthday Tribute by National Geographic
by KindMeal.my, 04 April 2015
Happy 81st Birthday, Dr. Jane Goodall!

Since her groundbreaking research on chimpanzees over half a century ago showing animals are extremely intelligent and share similar emotions to us, Dr. Jane Goodall has tirelessly contributed to animal welfare, environment and humanitarian causes, inspiring generations of youths in proactively taking action and effecting change.

Her Roots & Shoots youth organization currently spans 139 countries and 150,000 member groups, and she still energetically travels 300 days a year to give talks, inspire people and making profound impact on global issues.

This video is a birthday tribute by National Geographic to this amazing lady that has dedicated her entire life towards the betterment of our planet.

Thank you, Dr. Jane Goodall! May you continue to inspire many more generations of people.

Source: http://bit.ly/1GvnKD5 « Back To Articles