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Beautiful Unknown Species Caught On Camera
by KindMeal.my, 14 June 2015
These alien-looking creatures were discovered by America’s Ocean Exploration Team on the sea floor near Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. The Puerto Rico Trench is deepest trench in the Atlantic Ocean, reaching depths of up to 8,800 m and extending for over 800 km.

“It’s pretty amazing that we haven’t been there yet, exploring really deep depths,” Andrea Quattrini, the science co-lead for the expedition, told Quartz. 95 percent of the ocean remains unexplored. Many of the these deep-sea dwelling animals are rarely seen, and some creatures were so new that they don’t even have a name. 100 species of fish, 50 species of deep-water corals, and hundreds of other invertebrates were recorded over 12 dives.

Did you know that run-off from the massive cattle feedlots – a tragic part of America's beef factory farming programme – is slowly killing the sea life of the Caribbean? What we do and what we eat have far-reaching consequences. If we look at the glorious creatures in this video and are entranced, in awe of their beauty and grace, how about making a vow to take better care of our planet?

One concrete and positive step we can take is eating less meat! At KindMeal, we aim to make it easy; just visit our site for some alluring promotions on Earth-friendly meals – http://KindMeal.my

Source: http://goo.gl/YnSRIU « Back To Articles