YinYinBoey   •   35 Followers
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Woods Macrobiotics
Mar 27th 2019, 6:10PM
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#RawChefYin visits Lapan Wellness Cafe.

I've heard so much about this cafe from various people - followers on IG, vegan friends, June's postings on Facebook so I'm glad we finally made it there on Sunday for brunch. Many, many, many years ago, I used to have macrobiotic meals at June's place at Woods Eco Cuisine in Damansara Uptown as I worked around that area.

We had:
1. 3 Millet dumplings RM4.50 each
2. Green curry vegetables with activated brown rice RM23
3. Sunday Nasi Lemak Set RM23
Blue flowers - activated brown rice, blue butterfly pea flowers, coconut milk, sea salt, mixed herbs
Curry kapitan
Radish and dried pineapple sambal
Roasted peanuts
Toasted coconut flakes with wakame seaweed

4. Miso Bihun RM19
Brown rice bihun - mixed vegetables, beans, tofu, dashi broth, 2-year unpasteurised barley miso

I enjoyed the dumplings and green curry rice. In fact we ordered an extra millet dumpling because we liked it so much.

The curry kapitan in the Nasi Lemak had a very strong fishy taste for me and when I asked why it's because it has kombu in it. Most of the time when I have macrobiotic food, the miso and seaweed flavours are quite intense, and up till now, I'm really not used to it. I find the food rather energising but the taste for me takes some getting used to. I'm curious to know what's your experience with macrobiotic food?
We wanted to try their tofu ice cream but it required some waiting time and Mr Jazz Guitarist had to go back to work soon so we didn't get to order it this time. Maybe on our next visit.

They have an organic grocery so I bought some unpasteurised miso too!

Love the fact the have a vegan bakery as well so you can get all sorts of vegan breads there!
Lapan serves only clean food and drinks, unadulterated and minimally processed. - read more about them on their website or their Facebook page.πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Peaceful, calm ambience. Parking was easy to find since it was a Sunday morning. Great to meet June who is one of the pioneer vegans in Malaysia!
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