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Amruta Ubale, Executive Director of Animal Equality in India writes about a beautiful..
by Animal Equality, 12 August 2015
Amruta Ubale, Executive Director of Animal Equality in India writes about a beautiful experience she had with this pigeon couple. It shows that animals and birds can communicate but unfortunately we sometimes fail to listen.

“I came across this male (grey) and female pigeon (black and white) and was told that they are a couple deeply in love. Initially the female landed on my shoulder and sat on it while I was talking to people around me.

Soon the male pigeon landed on my head and began to jump on it. The rescuer of the pigeon then told us that he is insecure and thinks you are taking his girlfriend away. So he jumps on your head to make you stop.

We think animals and birds are mute; they are not. It's just that we fail to understand their language, which is very simple to understand if you have an open heart."

Photo: Drishyanvesh photography

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