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Action Alert. Animal Equality And The 80 Member Organizations Of The Open Wing A..
by Animal Equality, 18 November 2021

Animal Equality and the 80 member organizations of the Open Wing Alliance, a global coalition united in a common goal to end the abuse of hens worldwide, have launched a new campaign! We’re turning our attention to global bakeries Cinnabon and Brioche Dorée, and their parent companies Focus Brands and Groupe Le Duff.

These brands are responsible for the cruel and archaic confinement of millions of hens used for eggs in tiny, filthy cages. These cages are so small and packed with birds that the hens can’t move or spread their wings. Often, their body parts are caught in the caging, resulting in fractured or broken bones, deformities, and severe feather loss. Some hens, exhausted or unable to move, are trampled to death by their cage mates. Those that don’t die from the abuse spend their miserable lives trapped with dead birds at their feet.

Take action now by signing the petition at CinnabonCruelty.com and then go to Cinnabon and tell them to eliminate cruel cages now!

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