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by KindMeal.my
was rescued after his mother was hit and killed by a car.
View Video 07 June 2021
by KindMeal.my
This little hippo was born premature, weighing only 13kg. Fortunately, the doctors saved the day!
View Video 06 June 2021
by KindMeal.my
Maple and Filbert had a landscaping collaboration.
View Video 05 June 2021
by KindMeal.my
The health benefits of garlic.
View Video 04 June 2021
by Animal Equality
The United Nations has said that the animal agricultural industry is “one of the top 2 or 3 most significant contributors to the most serious environmental problems, at every scale from local to global.” For the planet & for the animals — try plant-based! 🌱🌎 www.loveveg.com #WorldEnvironmentDay
View Video 06 June 2021
by Animal Equality
Thank you to the amazing Rain Phoenix, who interviewed our President and Co-Founder, Sharon Núñez, on Rain's fantastic podcast LaunchLeft. ❤️🙌🏼 Check it out now! ⬇️
View Video 06 June 2021
by Animal Equality
Want to help animals during our summer Match Challenge? Increase your impact by inviting others to join you. Starting your own fundraiser is fun and easy! 👉
View Article 06 June 2021
by Animal Equality
In 2017, every major animal protection organization in North America co-signed a letter mapping out a science-based path to improving the lives of chickens raised for food. Since then, over 200 prominent companies in the U.S. alone have committed to the farming standards laid out in that letter. De..
View Article 05 June 2021
by Compassion Over Killing
National Animal Rights Day panel discussion Sunday, June 6 | 2 pm PT | Facebook.com/JaneVelezMitchell Join Miyoko's Creamery's Miyoko Schinner, Animal Outlook's Erin Wing, The Invisible Vegan director Jasmine Leyva & Dr. Sailesh Rao of Climate Healers for a panel discussion on "A Vegan World Post-P..
View Article 05 June 2021
by Animal Equality
Take action! In all modern egg production it's standard practice for male and unwanted chicks to be killed in the most horrific ways. Sign our petition calling for a BAN on cruel chick culling!
View Article 04 June 2021
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