by KindMeal.my
Have you joined Berjaya Youth's Go Meatless photo competition yet? Simply share your delicious meat-free photos, and include #gomeatless #berjayayouth #kindmeal hashtags in your caption. Top 3 winners with the most combined likes from Facebook and/or Instagram of their photos will win attractive v..
by KindMeal.my
Lit bright by yellow bricks, yellow flowers and many things yellow, Yellow Brick Road reminds us of the magical land of Oz. Indulge in creative meat-free meals within the dreamy environment!
by KindMeal.my
So many fantastic reasons to go meat-free! Which ones inspire you most?
by KindMeal.my
How powerful are electric eels? ⚡️
by Animal Equality
Last Thanksgiving, our investigators revealed what gentle and intelligent turkeys are forced to endure to become Thanksgiving dinner. The shocking footage is only two minutes long, but for them, it's a lifetime of misery. 😢 Please watch and share to encourage others to have a more compassionate h..
by Compassion Over Killing
"If human babies grew at the same rate as modern turkeys, they would weigh 1,500 pounds by the age of 18 weeks."
by Animal Equality
ANIMALS NEED YOU NOW! Please sign our petition calling for the immediate closure of all wet markets that sell animals. 👉
by Compassion Over Killing
An Animal Outlook investigator shares a tender moment with a baby turkey -- probably the only kindness she will be shown in her whole life. On Foster Farms, a turkey hatchery in California, baby turkeys who are sick, injured, or deemed unprofitable, are ground up alive. Others are put into a plast..
by Compassion Over Killing
For 25 years, Animal Outlook has been fighting for animals with the help of brave undercover investigators who expose the truth of animal agriculture. In June and July of 2006, an Animal Outlook investigator was employed at a North Carolina turkey hatchery that supplied Butterball. While there, he..
by Animal Equality
Meat companies are notorious for using clever labels on their products to increase sales, and Thanksgiving is no exception. We're fighting back against misleading marketing claims, and here's how YOU can help!